Dengue and swine flu are diseases that have many similar symptoms, including high fever. In such a situation, it is very important to know about these two dangerous diseases. Through this article, you can understand dengue and swine flu disease and their symptoms properly. Both dengue and swine flu are different from each other but people get confused about them.
Learn more about dengue and swine flu
What is dengue
What is called dengue in English is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquito. The Aedes mosquito is born in frozen water, so any such place becomes a home for them. Water stored in the cooler, deposited in pots or any other place at home, where dengue mosquitoes can start to thrive there due to water filling. In the difference between dengue and swine flu, keep in mind that dengue is caused by mosquito bites while swine flu is spread by the effect.
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Some interesting facts related to dengue
Dengue can happen to any patient. It has nothing to do with age or gender. Children often die due to dangerous fever in dengue.
Dengue is a viral disease and is caused by a virus called DENV.
Dengue is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
This mosquito spreads infection during the day.
You will not see symptoms of dengue immediately after Aedes's bite. It will clearly take at least three to fourteen days for symptoms to appear.
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Symptoms of Dengue:
- Sudden high fever
- Severe headache
- Severe eye pain
- Severe pain in muscles and joints
- Feeling tired
- Frequent vomiting or vomiting
- Red marks on the skin (such marks remain for 2 to 5 days)
- Mild bleeding from nose or gums
- Decreased platelets
- Dengue is caused only by Aedes mosquito bites
- Dengue can occur at any age
How can dengue symptoms increase?
Typically, dengue will cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, eye pain, joint pain, severe headache, as well as flaking of the body. Dengue fever may worsen the condition in this disease. There may also be problems with lower abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea if the condition worsens too much.
What causes dengue?
Aedes mosquito bites and dengue fever due to lack of cleanliness.
Diagnostic test - NS1 antigen test NS1, IgG and IgM
Treatment - Treatment is done on the basis of symptoms.
In what ways is the prevention of dengue possible?
Use mosquito repellent.
Avoid wearing very dark clothes because very dark clothes attract mosquitoes and insects.
If you are in a very infected place, cover the body completely.
Do not allow water to accumulate around your house. Accumulated water can sometimes become a home for mosquitoes.
To understand the difference between dengue and swine flu, it is important to know about both diseases. It is a big mistake to understand dengue and swine flu.
Swine flu
Swine flu, also known as H1N1 or swine influenza or pandemic influenza. It is a human infection. The disease has been named swine flu because swine flu is spread from swine i.e. pig to humans and further from humans to humans. Actually, as the virus enters the body, there can be many different changes in the body and the patient may feel many types of problems. Both dengue and swine flu diseases can be fatal.
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Symptoms of Swine Flu:
- high fever
- Coughing up
- Throat pain
- Throat infection
- Cold, cold, or runny nose
- Body ache
- Having a headache
- Chills
- Feeling of weakness
White blood cell count is reduced.
Swine flu can spread easily from one person to another.
The risk of swine flu is high in children and the elderly.
Diagnostic Test - Nasal or Oral Test (Throat Swab for H1N1)
Treatment - antiviral medication like fluvir, antiflu is given.
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