What is Syphilis?
Syphilis is an infection spread by T.
pallidum, which is directly transmitted to the syphilitic blisters and mucous
membranes on the skin. It is a sexually transmitted infection that can take
serious forms if left untreated.
The infection is spread through sexual
contact with an infected person with syphilitic ulcers (a type of painless
ulcer). The infected person does not spread by touching places like door
Under this, there may be blisters in the
vagina, anus, lips, and mouth. The disease is prone to spread during oral, anal, or vaginal related sexual activity.
A painless blister on the surface of the
mouth or skin is the first sign of infection. Many times people do not even
know about the blisters because there is no pain in these blisters. These
blisters are cured on their own, but if left untreated, their bacteria remain
in the body.
Initial treatment with penicillin can be
cured. Syphilis does not recur after treatment, but the disease can be returned
if there is more exposure to this bacteria.
Women can also give this disease to their
children during pregnancy, which can have fatal consequences.
Symptoms of Syphilis:
Primary Syphilis:
- Painless
- Small blisters
Secondary Syphilis
Itchy rashes that begin at the top of the
body and spread throughout the body, including the palms and soles. Rashes can
be rough, red, or reddish-brown.
- Sores like mouth, anus, and warts,
- Muscle aches
- fever
- Sore throat
- swollen lymph nodes
- hair fall
- Headache
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
Untreated secondary syphilis
may hide and progress to tertiary stages.
Latent syphilis: The latent phase can last
for many years. During this time the body will become the home of the disease
without symptoms.
Tertiary (final) syphilis:
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Mental illness
- Memory loss
- Soft tissue and bone damage
- Nervous system disorders such as stroke
- Heart disease
- Neurosyphilis (a brain or spinal infection)
Causes of syphilis:
During sexual activity, T. pallidum
bacteria cause syphilis due to transfer from one person to another.
Bacteria enter the body through minor
bruises or scratches on your skin. Syphilis can cause infectious during its
primary and secondary stages or during the early period.
It can be transferred from mother to womb
during pregnancy or even to baby during delivery. This type of syphilis is
called congenital syphilis.
Syphilis does not spread by touching the
door handle with an infected person and the simultaneous use of items such as
toilet seats.
Once cured, syphilis does not recur on its
own. However, if you come in contact with someone suffering from syphilis, you
can become infected again.
Syphilis Prevention:
The best way to prevent syphilis is to have
sex safely. It is good to use condoms during any kind of sexual contact.
Avoid having sex with more people.
Use a dental dam or condoms during oral sex.
Get sexually transmitted infections checked
and talk to your colleagues about their results.
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